Zeta Phi Beta Sorority also owes a debt of gratitude to our sorority’s incorporators, Myrtle Tyler, Gladys Warrington, Joanna Houston, Josephine F. Johnson and L.O. Goldia Smith. From the beginning, these illustrious women sought to ensure the permanence of the organization, and on March 30, 1923 in Washington D.C. – it became official.
Here we stand, 100 years later, to foster the ideas of service, charity, scholarship, civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood and finer womanhood.
The resilience of a Zeta woman is undeniable. Our multifaceted, unapologetic culture is strengthened daily through the empowerment that outpours through the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of our sisterhood globally.
Never tiring in our efforts, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority is a community-conscious, action-oriented organization dedicated to transforming the lives of others. We will continue to embrace the Service, World-Wide Wellness, Extraordinary Leadership and Legacy of our sisterhood during this year of the International Woman.
Happy Incorporation Day, Sorors!